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As someone who works closely with companies, projects, and protocols in the cryptocurrency ecosystem, I am committed to providing transparency and disclosure while protecting my privacy, and that of others. I do my best to exercise discretion and sound judgment in my conduct as both an investor and advocate in the crypto ecosystem. 

Disclosure Policy

I may hold positions in some of the companies, projects, cryptocurrencies, or tokens I discuss in a public appearance, including social media. Where reasonably possible, I will disclose these relationships. 



I have not been paid in cash, gifts, or expense reimbursements by any company, project, or fund to serve as an ambassador or marketer. Should this change, I will add those compensated roles here. Any sponsored content will always be disclaimed as such, although I have not engaged in any sponsorship in the past and have no plans to do so. 


Advisory Roles

I do not take on any advisory roles unless I am also an investor in the company. I serve as an advisor to Blockdaemon, Casa, Eclipse, Metaplex, Nillion, and Shyft Network. I am a board director of the Stacks Foundation, Compass Mining, Ejara, and Choice FinTech Holdings.



My personal investments are disclaimed when mentioned in my writing or media appearances. I also own cryptocurrencies and digital assets including NFTs. These holdings may be traded on an active basis.



Last updated April 2024

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